Member Highlight: Michelle Ward

Michelle Ward is a creative business coach, actress and badass 3X breast cancer survivor. Michelle runs Winning Wednesdays Co-working on the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month, and is in a fantastic Sondheim Tribute Review opening on February 29th, 2024! 

Full Name:

MIchelle Ward

What do you do professionally?

I'm a business coachsultant (yup, I made that term up and I'm sticking with it!) at Hello Business. I've been helping creatives discover, launch, and/or grow their sustainable businesses since 2008, when dinosaurs roamed the internet!

What do you want to do (professionally and/or personally)?

OMG this feels very existential, lol. I want my business to continue to work for me, my family and my clients. I want to continue to perform in 1-2 musicals a year. I want to watch my kiddo grow into an independent adult who takes on the world in their own way. I want my husband's custom furniture business to continue to grow - it makes him so happy. I want to remain cancer-free!

Do you have any passion projects or ideas you want to explore with the Creative + Community? 

Nope, lol! Creatively, I love being cast in musicals I love - ones that are fun or meaningful to me. I'm opening in one later this month, actually - a Sondheim Tribute Review! Work wise maaaaaaaybe I want to host a retreat in the next year or so, but I always seem to put it off so maybe I don't actually want to do it?

Who inspires you? Why?

My kid is inspiring the heck out of me lately! They are truly, joyfully, authentically who they are and wants everyone to know it. It's the absolute best.

Hobbies / Interests / Things that bring you joy:

Musical theater! I got my BFA at NYU for it - it was my first love, and I'm so glad I got back into it a few years ago after a 13-ish year hiatus! I also like dancing (shout out to All My Friends!), going to concerts and shows, wine night with my mom friends on my block, second-hand shopping.

Greatest accomplishments:

Beating breast cancer 3x - that's a big one. Getting my BFA from NYU. Raising over $100k for the Avon 2-day walk over 6 years, and being their closing speaker in NYC. Adopting our kiddo. Marrying the best guy. Getting to do what I love and have it support my family for over a decade. Winning a Judge Judy fan contest and getting to meet her, lol! My life is weird.

Future accomplishments:

What matters most to me right now is staying cancer-free and growing older - not to bring the room down, but that's truly all that matters. I just wanna be here, enjoying my days and the people I spend them with.

What excites you about being a Creative + Club Member?

Montclair is SUCH a creative community and I'm SO glad we have a space to call our own! Also, Winning Wednesdays.

Who is someone you want to collaborate with? Why?

I'm about to start collaborating with Elise of Montclair Flea and can't wait to announce some classes coming soon!

Favorite quote:

"A dream is a soft place to land" - Sara Barellis, Waitress

What does your best life look like?

One that is rooted in relationships, community, creativity and joy. It truly doesn't look very different from what I'm doing now - such a blessing.

Last words for the Creative + Community and beyond?

Yes! Come to my show and Winning Wednesdays! I'd love that and I know you would, too. 

Michelle’s Website / Socials

@ Ohhellobusiness

Hello Business

Winning Wednesdays

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